Pasang Widget Dapat Dollar

Bagi sebagian orang, mungkin widget dipasang hanya untuk menghiasi blog. Tetapi sekarang, widget dapat digunakan untuk lahan pencari uang. Mau tahu caranya??? Klik disini.

Increase Page Rank for Blogger in No Time !

External links - Jquery You want to Increase Page Rank for Blogger or your site in no time ? Ok ,perfect ! All those what you have found from tips and tricks about SEO and Ranking may work ,but have you came across the tips which I found ?

All you need to try it here you wont be sorry ! go try it GUMGUM :) visit my another explained post about this tips about ranking

What is Twitter ,how to use it and what for ?

External links - Jquery Twitter is a service for friends, family, and co–workers to communicate and stay connected through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing?While Twitter may have started as a micro-blogging service, it is grown into much more than simply a tool to type in quick status updates. I often describe Twitter as a cross between blogging and instant messaging, but even that doesn't do it justice.


Hide Blogger Navbar in New Blogger Blogspot !

External links - Jquery Want to get rid of the blogger toolbar in new blogger that just came out of beta ? If you have shifted your blogspot blog from old blogger to the new blogger beta, you may have noticed that the previous CSS code to remove the blogger navbar will no longer be effective. That's because Google now uses different CSS tags to display the blogger bar. [#navbar-iframe instead of #b-navbar] If you want to hide the navbar in your blogger blog, here's what you should do ! (these instructions refer to the "new" Blogger layouts templates) GO GET IT GUMGUM:)

Super Sexy Bookmarks Widget for Blogger !

Thumbnail image that says sleek button using photoshop that links to a Photoshop tutoril. Looking for professional Social Bookmark Buttons for your blog ! me too :) however, while i was searching the net too, I came across a post by Naeemnur, that had instructions for Blogger ( based blogs which was really good.If you have a blog on blogger you can definitely give this a try.

Its very attractive social bookmarking widget ! it can help you to let your visitors bookmark your page effectively .

for instructions about the use of this SEXY Social bookmarking widget ! you can go here and get it GUMGUM:)

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

Meremehkan Dosa

Sering melakukan perbuatan dosa, akan melemahkan perasaan. Ia menganggap dosa besar sbg dosa kecil.
Anas radiyallahu’anhu mengatakan,”Sungguh, kalian melakukan suatu perbuatan, yg dimata kalian itu lebih kecil dari sehelai rambut. Tapi, pd masa Rasulullah shalallahu’alaihi wasallam kami menganggapnya sbg suatu dosa yg akan membinasakan.”
Ibnu Mas’ud radiyallahu’anhu berkata,”Sungguh, orang mukmin itu melihat dosa2nya seakan dirinya berada dikaki gunung, ia takut kalau-kalau gunung itu menimpanya. Sedangkan orang fajita melihat dosa2nya spt lalat yg hinggap di hidungnya, lalu berkata,’Hanya segini?’
Skala perbandingan antara meremehkan dosa & m’jaga diri dr dosa adl relative. Jika iman & takwa kuat, maka para hamba akan menghormati perintah2 Allah dg cara b’usaha tuk segera melaksanakannya. Mereka jg akan m’hormati larangan Allah, sehingga mereka berhati-hati & b’usaha m’jd org yg paling jauh dari larangan-Nya. Allah Berfirman :
“Demikianlah (perintah Allah). Dan barang siapa yg mengagungkan syiar-syiar Allah, maka sesungguhnya itu timbul dr ketakwaan hati.” (Al-Hajj:32)
Dalam ayat lain disebutkan :
“Demikianlah (perintah Allah). Dan barang siapa yg mengagungkan apa-apa yg terhormat di sisi Allah, maka itu adl lbh baik baginya di sisi Rabb-Nya…..”(Al-Hajj:30)
Allah ‘azza wa jalla mencela para sahabat yg menyebarluaska kabar dusta (hadist al-ifki). Allah berfirman :
“Ingatlah di waktu kamu menerima berita bohong itu dari mulut ke mulut dan kamu katakana dgn mulutmu apa yg tidak kamu ketahui sedikit pun, dan kamu menganggapnya sesuatu yg ringan saja. Padahal di sisi Allah adl besar.”(An-Nuur:15)
Seorang mukmin akan menganggap besar hal-hal yg menyelisihi perintah Allah, sehingga ia akan menjauhinya. Ia jg tdk akan mengangggap remeh suatu p’buatan baik. Rasulullah shalallahu’alaihi wasallam bersabda :
“Jangan menganggap remeh sedikit pun dari perbuatan makruf. Meskipun hanya dgn menemui saudaramu dgn wajah ceria.”(HR. Muslim)

Wallahu’alam Bish Showab…………….

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